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Showing posts from December, 2017

Tough Stains? No Worries!

I'm really excited to share this one with y'all! Smiley360 hooked me up with a free sample of laundry stain remover, and I am so happy they did! OxiClean Max Force Laundry Stain Remover has been saving clothes at my house left and right this Winter Break! Check this out! Chocolate Sauce has nothing on the power of OxiClean Max Force! Normally this shirt would have been sentenced to the, "Play Clothes," drawer.... or worse, in the pile of shirts that eventually get turned into cleaning rags! But not anymore!  OxiClean Max Force took the chocolate (and a few other dirty areas!) right out of this shirt, and returned it to it's original bright white glory. So excited for this. Do you know how many shirts I've lost to taco sauce?! Want to get $0.50 off a bottle of this liquid miracle?! Check out this link here! Wear white to that pizza party.... OxiClean has you covered! xoxo Geek ...