When I first received my free sample of Advil Menstrual Pain Tablets from Smiley360 I was excited. I was looking forward to trying a new way to end some of my period woes. The first thing I noticed was the packaging. It is definitely geared towards women (obviously), with it's pink/purple additions to the usual Advil label. I flipped over the box to check out it's active ingredients. I was a little disappointed at this point. The only active ingredients in this product are ibuprofin, and ibuprofin sodium. While these products are great for inflammation (aka a big part of cramps), I wasn't impressed with the fact that it was the only active ingredients. However, I'm not one to judge a book by it's cover, so I gave it a go! My first day is always the worst day. It can be debilitating. I started my morning with 1 Advil Menstrual Pain tablet, and after four hours I took another. While it helped a little with my cramps, it did nothing for my bloating or fatigue. ...
I'm not here to sell you anything... I'm here to give you REAL, honest product reviews! Some products have been sent to me for FREE (just so I can share them with all of you!). Some products I've received at a discounted price, and some I've purchased outright (and am receiving NOTHING for doing the review for them!) I'll let you know! But no matter what, the reviews will ALWAYS be REAL, honest, and sometimes a little brutal ;)
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