My small humans are picky. Not just in the traditional, "I don't like brussel sprouts!" way...
No, they're "sophisticated picky."
There are brands of foods and drinks they don't like.
There are colors of brands they do like..... that they don't like...
There are flavors, and textures, and seasons of the year....
Before you ask... only one of them has slight sensory issues. They're just both a little too much like their mother ;)
So when I received this free sample of L'il Critters Gummy Vites, I was worried they were going to be a waste of time. I applied to try them out, hoping we'd find an option that my kids would not only love, but that would genuinely be good for them.
"Just smile like you actually care about my feelings, okay?!"
- real conversation that happened just this morning...
Turns out, my kids actually really love these ones! All of them! I didn't have to fish out only the yellow ones..... or "anything BUT the yellow ones!"
It has been amazing!
And what's better?
I approve of these ones! The list of vitamins is "complete" in my eyes. Technically to be a "complete" vitamin, you're supposed to have iron. I like the fact that there is NO iron in these gummy vitamins.
Okay, back story.
See that handsome little man up there? When he was 2 he decided to King Kong his butt all the way up my tall dresser, grabbed his bottle of gummy vitamins, SOMEHOW MANAGED TO OPEN THE BOTTLE, and ate at least 20 of them.
I. Had. A. Panic. Attack.
I called the local nurses line, and the first thing she asked me was to check the bottle and tell her if there was iron in the vitamins. Thankfully, there was no iron. So instead of a rushed trip to the ER, I had an INSANELY overactive 2 year old for a couple days. He didn't sleep much those two days, and then slept like he was hibernating for two days after that!
Needless to say, I've checked every bottle of vitamins since then. If there's iron, they don't come in the house. Simple as that.
These L'il Critters Gummy Vites are great! And I'm glad we were able to find a kids gummy vitamin that we'll be able to stick with!
Get more info on L'il Critters Gummy Vites, and Smiley 360's free samples here!:
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